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Survival Guide
Updated 01/01/2023 to reflect recent New Tax Laws by:
Ira S. Materetsky, CFP
Matthew J. Welsh, M.S., CFP
Edited & Contribution by:
Thomas B. Gau, CPA, CFP
Aaron D. Millman, Esq., CPA
The SECURE Act 2.0
Passed in Dec. 2022 the SECURE act 2.0, will change some tax laws as it pertains to the current RMD age.
New Tax Laws
A summary of the various tax laws, regulations, rules and private letter rulings that may affect you inherited IRA decisions.
Choosing Beneficiaries
A discussion of the importance of choosing the right beneficiaries for your retirement accounts.
Inherited IRAs
The information necessary to identify potential problem areas when dealing with an Inherited IRA.
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